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Gill Instruments Ltd

NovaLynx Corporation is an authorized distributor for Gill Instruments Ltd. Based in the United Kingdom, Gill has more than twenty years experience in the field of ultrasonic air flow measurement and offers the most extensive range of ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensors on the market today. Rugged construction and the elimination of moving parts removes the need for routine maintenance, making their sensors ideal for operation in all environmental conditions.

WindSonic Anemometer WindSonic™ 2-Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer
The Gill WindSonic is a low-cost 2-axis ultrasonic anemometer, providing wind speed (0-60m/s) and direction data in a robust housing. This anemometer has no moving parts, offering maintenance-free operation in a wide range of applications.
WindObserver Anemometer WindObserver™ 2-Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer Range
WindObserver II
WindObserver 65
WindObserver 70
WindObserver 75
WindObserver 90
The Gill WindObserver range consists of 2-axis ultrasonic anemometers offering wind speed (0-75m/s) and direction data in robust stainless-steel housings. The range includes: Intrinsically Safe approval; High Heating Power; FAA Approval.
WindMaster Anemometer WindMaster™ 3-Axis Anemometer Range
WindMaster RA
WindMaster Pro
The Gill WindMaster range of 3-axis ultrasonic anemometers provide wind speed (0-45m/s and 0-65m/s) and direction (0-359°) data. 3-vector outputs are available (U, V, W), along with speed of sound and sonic temperature outputs.
R3 Anemometer R3™ 3-Axis Anemometer Range
The Gill R3 range of 3-axis ultrasonic anemometers is particularly suited to Eddy Covariance analysis. R3 anemometers are available with 50Hz or 100Hz output rates and will provide U, V, W vector, sonic temperature, and speed of sound outputs.
HS Anemometer HS™ 3-Axis Anemometer Range
The Gill HS ultrasonic anemometer range offers the same specification levels as the R3 range, with a 3-axis horizontal mount that reduces airflow interruption from the anemometer geometry.
MaxiMet Compact Weather Station MaxiMet™ Compact Weather Stations
MaxiMet is an advanced compact weather station with features such as wind, precipitation, solar radiation, temperature, humidity, pressure, low power 'Eco Mode', GPS, compass, and many more.
MetPak Professional Weather Stations MetPak Professional Weather Station
The MetPak Professional Weather Stations offer excellent measurement accuracy and performance even in harsh or marine environments. Three models are available; MetPak, MetPak Pro, and MetPak RG. User-friendly configuration and display software is included with each system.

Not sure which ultrasonic anemometer perfectly suits your application? Use this anemometer product finder to compare Gill 2-axis and 3-axis anemometer ranges to help you decide. If you're still unsure which is most suitable, please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.

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